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Moving Beyond the "War on Drugs"

James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy, 
Rice University, Houston, Texas
April 10-11, 2002

Presentation by Eugene Oscapella, Canadian Foundation for Drug Policy: "Drug Policy in the Shadow of the Elephant." Mr. Oscapella's presentation starts at 1:07:20 of the video clip, and finishes at 1:29:40.

Other presentations (United States, Australia, Switzerland, South America)

All video clips can be viewed using RealPlayer.

Speakers: Clip 1: Edward Djerejian, William Martin, Asa Hutchinson, Kevin Zeese 
Clip 2: James Gray, Ronald Earle, Deborah Small 
Clip 3: Ernest Drucker, C. Stratton Hill, M.D., Robert Kampia 
Clip 4: Marsha Rosenbaum, William Martin, 
Clip 5: Michael Trace, Alex Wodak, M.D., Eugene Oscapella, Peter Cohen, Francois van der Linde, M.D. 
Clip 6: Gina Amatangelo, Sanho Tree, Lee P. Brown, Ernest Drucker 
Clip 7: Ethan Nadelmann, William Martin, Edward Djerejian 
Location: Baker Hall, Rice University
Date: April 10-11, 2002
Topic: Moving Beyond the "War on Drugs"
Format: Panel discussion
Length: 83 / 116 / 81 / 96 / 152 / 158 / 56 minutes 
Abstract: A two-day conference at the Baker Institute for Public Policy brings together experts from multiple sides of drug policy issues. 
Links: Event announcement; Rice News article, April 4, 2002; Baker Institute for Public Policy

To see additional publications by Rice University on drug policy issues, click here.


Updated:24 Mar 2007| Accessed:44891times