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    Part 1 General Introduction

    Part 2 The Global Objectives

    Part 3 The Empirical Bases of Cannabis Control Policy

Chapter 1.  The Empirical Evidence Regarding Cannabis Use 
   Health Concerns  WB00678_.gif (615 bytes) 
   Safety Concerns  WB00678_.gif (615 bytes)    
   The Cannabis Market  WB00678_.gif (615 bytes)
   Extent of Use  WB00678_.gif (615 bytes)
   Patterns of Use WB00678_.gif (615 bytes)

Chapter 2.  The Empirical Evidence Relating to the Current Legislative Response to                      Cannabis

        Special Powers of Arrest, Search and Seizure in Drug Enforcement  WB00678_.gif (615 bytes)
         The Processing of a Cannabis Suspect through the Criminal Justice System WB00678_.gif (615 bytes)

            Police WB00678_.gif (615 bytes)
              Crown Prosecutors  WB00678_.gif (615 bytes)
              Judges   WB00678_.gif (615 bytes)
         The Processing of Information Regarding a Cannabis Suspect  WB00678_.gif (615 bytes)
              Discharges   WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
              Pardons   WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
         Problems Inherent in Drug Enforcement: Irregular Methods of Enforcement  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
         A Statistical Review of Arrest, Conviction and Sentencing Patterns  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
              Arrest statistics  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
              Conviction statistics  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
              Sentencing statistics  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
         The Financial Cost of Cannabis Enforcement  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
         The Sociolegal Consequences of Enforcement  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
         Public and Professional Attitudes
  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)

    Part 4
Legal Issues and Options 

Chapter 3. Introduction 

Chapter 4. Factors to be Considered in Framing a Legislative Response
 Normative and Design Concerns  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
International Considerations  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
         Constitutional Considerations  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
         Jurisdiction  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
               Non-criminal, or Acivil,@ offences  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
               Criminal records  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
         Defining Offences  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
               Importation  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
               Constructive trafficking  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
               Functional equivalence  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)

Chapter 5.  The Legislative Options 
         An Ordering of Terms and Concepts   WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
         The Cannabis Control Options: A Description  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
               (1) Prohibition (Narcotic Control Act)  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
               (2) Bill S-19  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
               (3) 83-77RD  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
               (4) Full
ADeeming Provisions@   WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
               (5) Semi-Prohibition  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
               (6) Transfer to Schedule G (Food and Drugs Act)  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
               (7) Legalization (Regulation)  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
               (8) Federal Withdrawal  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
         The Cannabis Control Options: An Analysis  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
  Notes  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)


Appendix A: The Single Convention and Its Implications for Canadian Cannabis                      Policy  
           The penal obligations: Article 36 and the meaning of "possession"  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
               "Possession" and other consumption-related conduct  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
            Article 36 and the 1972 Protocol  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
               "Possession" and the confiscatory obligation  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
               Amendment and withdrawal  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
               Summary  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)

Appendix B: The Constitutional Bases of Cannabis Policy
1.  Introduction  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
2.  A Brief Introduction to Basic Principles of Canadian Constitutional Law  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
3.  Federal and Provincial Bases for Cannabis Control  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)

       Federal Jurisdiction  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
         Provincial Jurisdiction  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
         The Doctrine of Paramountcy and Concurrency  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
         Joint Federal-Provincial Control of Cannabis  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
4.  Specific Constitutional Issues Related to Federal Cannabis Legislation  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
         Parliament=s Power to Create Non-Criminal Offences  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
         Parliament=s Power to Control Criminal Records in the Possession of Provincial               Enforcement Agencies  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)
         Parliament=s Power to Authorize Confiscation of Cannabis in the Absence of a               Possessional Offence  WB00678_1.gif (615 bytes)  
    Notes to Appendix B  WB00678_2.gif (615 bytes)

Appendix C: The Narcotic Control Act B An Elaboration 

Appendix D: Extent and Patterns of Cannabis Use Among Adult Canadians,                      1970-1978  

Appendix E: Offences, Procedures and Maximum Penalties Under Eight                      Alternative Models for the Control of Cannabis 

References and Selected Bibliography 

Figures and Tables

Figure 1. Police Duties Relating to Processing a Routine Cannabis Case
Figure 2. "Buffer Zone" Model

Table D-1. Adult Canadians B Incidence of Cannabis Use
Table D-2. Adult Canadians B Current Cannabis Use Patterns, (Gallup 1978)
Table D-3. Adult Canadians B Frequency of Cannabis Use
Table D-4. Adult Canadians B Cannabis Use by Region (Gallup, 1978)
Table E-1. Offences, Procedures and Maximum Penalties under the Narcotic Control Act, Bill S-19 and 83-77RD
Table E-2.  Offences, Procedures and Maximum Penalties under "Full 'Deeming Provisions'" and "Semi-Prohibition"
Table E-3.  Offences, Procedures and Maximum Penalties under "Transfer to Schedule G," "Regulation" and "Federal Withdrawal"

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)
Part 1

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Updated: 25 Jul 2001 | Accessed: 13824 times