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Other drug policy reform organizations or sources of information about drug policy issues

Canada                                                                                                                    Outside Canada (and some Canadian sites too)

British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS

Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network

Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA) Ottawa

Canadian Media Awareness Project (Canadian news clippings)

Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy

Cannabis Facts for Canadians

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto

Centre for Addictions Research of B.C. (at University of  Victoria), Victoria, B.C.

From Grief to Action: FGTA is a non-profit advocacy society working to improve the lives of illicit drug users, their families and riends, since 1999.

John Howard Society of Canada (from the John Howard Society web site: The John Howard Society of Canada is a federation of provincial/territorial and local Societies comprised of people whose goal is to understand and respond to problems of crime, to work with people who have come into conflict with the law, to review, evaluate and advocate for changes in the criminal justice process and to engage in public education on matters involving criminal law and its application.)

ThePotLawHasFallen.ca -- a web site established by Professor Doug Hutchinson, University of Toronto -- "The prohibition of marijuana in Canada has fallen into legal invalidity. The purpose of this site is to inform the Canadian public of this, to explain its significance, to mount a campaign to end the enforcement of this invalidated law, and to offer pertinent information and assistance to any Canadian who may be in legal jeopardy from it."  Site also contains links to important court decisions dealing with cannabis.

Unitarian Universalists for Drug Policy Reform -- Canada

See also the much more extensive list of Canadian links maintained by the Canadian Media Awareness Project.


B.C. Marijuana Party  Vancouver



Outside Canada

The web site of Common Sense for Drug Policy contains an extensive list of drug policy reform organizations, as well as organizations opposed to reform.

See also the excellent publication, Drug War Facts.

Updated: 12 Jun 2008 | Accessed: 80533 times