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(Media: for
further information, contact Canadian Foundation for Drug Policy,
Ottawa: (613) 236-1027)
Cannabis Law Reform in Canada -- 2002-06
NOTE: January 2006. A
federal election has been called for January 23, 2006. Because
the election was called before either of the proposed laws described
below (Bill C-16 on drug-impaired driving, and Bill C-17, which would
reduce penalties for possession and production of small quantities of
cannabis) was enacted, those bills "died." The next government
will need to introduce new bills if it intends to change the law.
For historical
purposes we are
retaining the description of the legislation proposed by previous
- Legislative origins of Bill C-17 (the cannabis bill
introduced on November 1, 2004): On May 27, 2003, the then Minister
of Justice introduced Bill C-38, An
Act to amend the Contraventions Act and the Controlled Drugs and
Substances Act. The original Bill would have reduced
penalties for possession of small quantities of cannabis (up to 15
grams) and cannabis resin (It would have given the police the
discretion to charge possession of between 15 and 30 grams under this
same reduced penality scheme, or they could choose to prosecute it as a
criminal offence.) Originally, it appeared that this was a
measure to decriminalize simple possession, so that offenders would not
receive a criminal record or face jail time. However, in a television
interview on October 7, 2003, the then Minister of Justice stated that
possession would still be criminal, but the penalties would be less
harsh than under the current law. (In fact, the penalties might even be
higher than under the current law, since many courts have been very
lenient in sentencing for possession under the current law.) There
is therefore some uncertainty about the impact of the bill.
According to the Bill as orginally introduced, offenders wouldbe
fined between $100 and $400, depending on the age of the offender, the
circumstances of the offence, and the amount involved. The Bill
criminal penalties for "larger" grow operations, doubling the current
maximum penalty to 14 years. Penalties for producing cannabis
be as follows:
- growing from 1-3 plants: summary
conviction (criminal) offence with maximum penalty of $5000 fine,
12 months in jail, or both; (NOTE: the House of Commons committee
that reviewed Bill C-38 amended this provision so that producing up to
three plants would be punishable only by a fine ($500 for adults, $250
for young persons)).
- growing 4-25 plants: summary conviction or
indictable offence (depending on what the Crown attorney decides) with
maximum penalty of $25000 fine, 18 months, or both (if tried by summary
conviction) and five years less a day (if tried on indictment);
- 26-50 plants: up to 10 years prison
- more than 50 plants, up to 14 years prison.
The version of the Bill as revised by the Commons
committee that reviewed it in November 2003, can be found here.
This Bill then died on the Order Paper when Parliament
prorogued. When Parliament reconvened, the government under Prime
Minister Martin reintroduced an identical bill (on February 12, 2004).
Click here
for details. This bill also died, in this case because a federal
election was called in May 2004. The newly elected government
promised to reintroduce it or a similar bill.) On November 1, 2004, a
bill that appears to be virtually identical was introduced as Bill
C-17, An
Act to amend the Contraventions Act and the Controlled Drugs and
Substances Act.
Several founding members
of the Canadian Foundation for Drug Policy testified before the
committee that examined the bill in 2003.
October 28, 2003, Line
Beauchesne (also Associate Professor, Department of Criminology,
University of Ottawa)
November 3, 2003, Eugene Oscapella
November 3, 2003, Patricia
Erickson (beginning at 16:20)
November 4, 2003, Neil
Boyd (also Professor of Criminology, Simon Fraser University)
(beginning at 9:15).
Testimony of other individuals before the committee
can be
found here.
- March 1, 2004: Canada's federal New
Democratic Party issues policy statement criticizing proposed changes
to cannabis laws (Bill C-10) and criticizing drug prohibition
generally. To see statement, click here.
To see other NDP statements relating to drug policy, click here and
look under the title "Modernizing Marijuana Laws."
- February 12, 2004:
Government reintroduces cannabis law reform bill: Bill C-10, An
Act to amend the Contraventions Act and the Controlled Drugs and
Act. To see the bill as it stood at First Reading (check for
amendments on the Parliamentary web site), click here.
- Impaired driving and
cannabis. In a November 3, 2004, letter to Canada's
Minister of Justice, the Canada Safety Council proposes administrative
licence suspensions as
an alternative to the provisions in Bill C-16 (the drug-impaired
driving bill introduced by the federal government on November 1,
2004): "The Canada Safety Council has
urged provincial and territorial governments to consider imposing
administrative licence
suspensions on drivers who have been using cannabis. Police with reason
believe a driver’s ability is being adversely affected by any drug
(legal or illegal) have authority to suspend that driver’s licence
under provincial highway traffic safety acts." To see the full
text of the letter,
click here.
To read a background document on cannabis and driving prepared by
the Canada Safety Council, click here.
- December 23, 2003: Supreme Court of
Canada rules that Parliament has the constitutional right to prohibit
cannabis possession using the criminal law. See judgments in R.
v. Malmo-Levine; R. v. Caine and R.
v. Clay. To see the extensive Canadian Broadcasting
Corporation (CBC) reports archive on cannabis issues, as well as links
to other cannabis sites, click here.
- October 7, 2003: Ontario Court of Appeal issues
judgments in Hitzig et al. v. Her Majesty the Queen and R.
v. P., J. Together, these two decisions:
- 1. ease access to medical marijuana
- 2. declare that (in Ontario), there was no
law prohibiting possession of cannabis between July 31, 2001 and
October 7, 2003
- 3. declare that, as of
October 7, 2003, cannabis possession for non-medical purposes
is again prohibited under section 4 of the Controlled Drugs and
Substances Act.
To see a summary of the Court of Appeal judgments,
click here.
To see the full judgment in Hitzig et al. v. Her Majesty
the Queen (October 7, 2003), click here.
To see the full judgment in R. v. P., J. (October 7,
2003), click here.
- May 16, 2003: Ontario Superior Court confirms
earlier lower court judgments that no law exists in
Canada banning possession of cannabis. For story, click here. (Note that this decision was
reviewed by the Ontario Court of Appeal in R.
v. P., J. (October 7, 2003). (See discussion of the October 7
Court of Appeal judgments above.)
- September 4, 2002: The Senate Special Committee on
Illegal Drugs releases its report on cannabis. Among other
recommendations, the report calls for cannabis to be legalized and
regulated, and for criminal records of those convicted of cannabis
possession in the past to be erased. The report and
summary are on
the Committee web
site. The committee news conference can be found here.
For various Canadian Broadcasting Corporation radio and
television reports, including interviews with advocates, click here.
To see testimony and briefs by Canadian Foundation for Drug
Policy founding members before the committee, click here.
- December 9, 2002: House of Commons Special Committee
on Non-medical Use of Drugs releases two reports -- the first on Monday,
December 9, 2002 and the second (dealing exclusively with cannabis) on
Thursday, December 12. The reports are available through the committee's
web site. To see television reports by the Canadian
Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) about the report released on
December 9, click here.
- August 9, 2002: International Centre for
Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy releases two May 2002
studies on marijuana in British Columbia: Marihuana
Growing Operations in British Columbia (click here for
the executive
summary). The report includes a description of: (1) The
incidents of marihuana cultivation that came to the attention of the
police; (2) The characteristics of marihuana cultivation operations;
(3) The characteristics of the suspects involved and their criminal
history (4) The action taken at various stages of the criminal
justice process; and, (5) The patterns of sentencing in such
cases. The second report is Marihuana
Trafficking Incidents in British Columbia. It gives a very
complete analysis of the charging practices, the amounts involved and
the sentences received for trafficking offences. All files are in .pdf
- Excerpts about cannabis
from December 2001 report of the Auditor General of Canada
Updated:Thursday, 19-Jan-2006 13:39:18 PST|