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Goals and Objects

The Canadian Foundation for Drug Policy is a non-profit organization founded in 1993 by several of Canada's leading specialists in drug policy.

The aims of the Foundation are:

  • to act as a forum for the exchange of views among those interested in reform of policies relating to drugs, both legal and illegal

  • to serve as a vehicle for sharing those views and for discussing significant drug policy issues with government, the public, other organizations and the media

  • to gather experience with innovative drug policies from around the world and share this information with Canadians

  • to examine the extent to which drug laws and policies succeed in their objectives

  • to examine the consequences of drug laws and policies on individual Canadians, their communities and Canadian society as a whole

  • to examine the interplay between international and Canadian drug policies

  • where necessary, to recommend alternatives that will make Canada's drug laws and policies effective and humane.

The Foundation does not encourage harmful drug use.

Updated: 24 Jul 2001 | Accessed: 32049 times