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Reform Options

Most countries use the criminal law to prohibit the possession, production and sale of some drugs (cannabis, heroin and cocaine, for example) for non-medical and, sometimes, medical purposes.  This scheme is sometimes
described as "criminal prohibition" or simply "prohibition".  This web page identifies models that have been proposed to modify or replace this prohibitionist approach.  Links to additional reform models will be added as we become aware of them.  Other parts of the Canadian Foundation for Drug Policy web site deal with why reform of our current approach is needed. 

We welcome suggestions for additional links.  Please send suggestions to eoscapel@cfdp.ca.

                       --  Eugene Oscapella, Canadian Foundation for Drug Policy, Ottawa

Reform of Domestic (National) Law and Policies

Reform of International Law and Policies

Reform of Domestic (National) Laws and Policies

Reform of International Law and Policies

Updated:Tuesday, 18-Mar-2008 14:44:45 PDT| Accessed:41671times