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Excerpt from Debates of the Senate (Hansard)
(2nd Session, 36th Parliament,
The Honourable Gildas L. Molgat, Speaker . . .
On the Order: Resuming debate on the motion of the Honourable Senator Nolin, seconded by the Honourable Senator Cohen: That a Special Committee of the Senate be appointed to reassess Canada's
anti-drug legislation and policies, to carry out a
That, without being limited in its mandate by the following, the Committee be authorized to: - review the federal government's policy on illegal drugs in Canada, its effectiveness, and the extent to which it is fairly enforced; - develop a national harm reduction policy in order to lessen the negative
impact of illegal drugs in Canada, and make
- study harm reduction models adopted by other countries and determine
if there is a need to implement them wholly or
- examine Canada's international role and obligations under United Nations
conventions on narcotics and the Universal
- explore the effects of cannabis on health and examine whether alternative
policy on cannabis would lead to increased harm in
- examine the possibility of the government using its regulatory power
under the Contraventions Act as an additional means of
- examine any other issue respecting Canada's anti-drug policy that
the Committee considers appropriate to the completion of
That the Special Committee be composed of five Senators and that three members constitute a quorum; That the Committee have the power to send for persons, papers and records,
to examine witnesses, to report from time to time
That the briefs received and testimony heard during consideration of
Bill C-8, An Act respecting the control of certain
That the Committee have the power to authorize television, radio and
electronic broadcasting, as it deems appropriate, of any
That the Committee be granted leave to sit when the Senate has been
adjourned pursuant to subsection 95 (2) of the Senate
That the Committee submit its final report not later than three years
from the date of its being constituted.- (Honourable
Hon. Anne C. Cools: Honourable senators, it had been my intention to
speak to this particular motion. I am very mindful of
Having said that, honourable senators, I must say that I thank Senator
Nolin for his initiative in bringing this matter forward. I
It had been my intention to bring forward some questions in relation
to the subject matter that perhaps Senator Nolin might bear
Having said that, I am prepared to hand the floor to Senator Nolin so
that he may go ahead and move his motion. I thank him
The Hon. the Speaker: Honourable senators, I wish to inform the Senate
that if the Honourable Senator Nolin speaks now,
[Translation] Hon. Pierre Claude Nolin: Honourable senators, I move that the motion be adopted. The Hon. the Speaker: Is it your pleasure, honourable senators, to adopt the motion? Hon. Senators: Agreed. Motion agreed to.
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Updated: 24 Jul 2001 | Accessed: 33648 times