"[W]e should never feign impotence even before a
massive problem. We can each make a difference. This is a
moral universe. Right and wrong do matter. Our choice in
favour of truth and goodness, our individual acts of courage,
honesty, standing up for the truth do not evaporate into the
ether. They impregnate the atmosphere and then in the
fullness of light everything comes to a head -- the collapse
of Communism, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the end of
apartheid, freedom for Namibia and a rash of democracies
where before there were dictatorships -- these are not just
happy coincidences. They are a tribute to all those who have
striven for justice and goodness, even those who might have
seemed to have failed."
Archbishop Desmond Tutu, speaking at the London School of
Economics, February, 1995
( Archbishop Tutu was not speaking about the struggle to
change unjust drug laws, but his message is nonetheless apt.
-- ed.)